Craig Kingston, English Teacher Crystal Lake Central High School

I have had the immense privilege of welcoming Bhante Sujatha into my Humanities classroom at Crystal Lake Central for the past two decades, and his presence has been nothing short of inspiring. Bhante is not just a Buddhist monk; he is a beacon of wisdom, compassion, and joy that has left a lasting impact on my students and me. Bhante’s visits are a vital part of our unit on Comparative World Religions. His deep understanding of Buddhist philosophy and his ability to make complex concepts accessible have sparked intellectual curiosity in countless young minds. He teaches us about mindfulness and the practice of loving-kindness, providing practical tools that extend beyond the classroom. What truly sets Bhante apart is his infectious joy and warmth. His presence radiates positivity, creating a peaceful and content atmosphere in our classroom. His smile reminds us that happiness can be found in mindfulness and kindness. Whether meeting with us from across the globe during the pandemic or the day after a surgery, Bhante’s unwavering commitment to sharing his wisdom and joy with us has been a priceless gift. I am eternally grateful for his presence in my life and the lives of my students. 

Dr. Jeffery D. Long
Professor of Religion and Asian Studies Elizabethtown College

I teach at a small college in Pennsylvania and was recently privileged to have Bhante Sujatha come to share his wisdom with my students. He spoke in one of my classes, and then again for a larger gathering that was open to the general public. Bhante communicates profound Buddhist ideas in a very clear and accessible way. He not only speaks beautifully, but it is also easy for everyone to see that he lives these ideas and puts them into practice. His focus on loving kindness and the meditation, “I am well, I am peaceful, I am happy. May all beings be well, peaceful, and happy,” are badly needed in our world today. We need more peace and happiness! I hope he will become a regular visitor to our college. He is welcome in my classes any time!

Praharshini Samararatne
Crew Logistic Coordinator Emirates, Dubai

Bhante Sujatha, the loving kindness monk was introduced to me and family a few years ago when he came to Dubai and did a meditation session with my kids. His goal has been to spread the true teaching of the Lord Buddha and in the past 5 years with each trip, he has made to Dubai he has touched more hearts and helped children and adults alike to understand the joy of living.

His message has always been simple, that suffering is optional and that there is so much to do in this life. His loving soul and kind smile brings so much joy to all of us here in the UAE and his annual trip to Dubai is one that everyone looks forward to! 

From the first day of meeting him, he has been a constant pillar of support for anyone who wishes to ask him for help and he is always ready to be there for the thousands of people he knows around the world due to his traveling. Bhante is always there for those who may need him and he gives his 100% to spread his message of joy and love around the globe.

 “To make peace with your life, don’t try to change it, but rather your attitude towards it” 

 Bhante spends his days advising and helping individuals adjust to the change and uncertainty of life in order for all of us to live a peaceful and joyful one. He not only teaches but he raises awareness of the things that we tend to overlook and he does it all with compassion and love. He is a wonderful light and working with him during his visits to Dubai is a pleasure. 

Daniel Cozort
Professor of Religion and editor of the Journal of Buddhist Ethics Dickson Collage PA USA

More many years now, I have been among hundreds in the central Pennsylvania area who have eagerly awaited Bhante Sujatha’s annual visits. Bhante Sujatha has a rare knack for being able to talk about serious human problems in a compelling and humorous way. He shows people that he cares about them but at the same time makes it clear that compassion means giving people your attention and help but without getting emotionally drained by that. He is full of stories from his own experience that help his listeners relate to what otherwise would be abstract concepts. I value his friendship, his teaching, and his leadership. We are now building a community in Pennsylvania for which he turned the soil and provided water and nutrition.

Paul F. Ottolino
President & CEO, Nelson Group Enterprises, Inc.

I have been the President and CEO of my company for nearly 10 years. I have a higher level education in business specifically designed for what I do. I have all the “right” experience and credentials. And my personal temperament is such that I will literally give everything that I have to give to insure the success and security of my team and my company, while also maintaining a strong sense of family and family balance. All of that said, I never imagined the tests that awaited me, both personally and professionally.

About 5 years ago, I encountered such a flurry of personal and professional issues, I quite literally lost my way. Tremendous personal loss in the family, combined with extremely difficult struggles in business associated with a downturn in the economy, lawsuits, etc…, caused a level of internal distress that I had never encountered. This led to a decreased ability to cope with the external challenges I was facing, and the cycle went on, building on itself and propelling me to my breaking point.

It was about that time when I met Bhante Sujatha, and my journey back to the right path and to myself began. I began meeting one on one with Bhante on a regular basis. I would talk. He would listen. He would provide insight. We would meditate together. For a while, Bhante would even call me early mornings at home to guide me through meditation practice. Every time I met with Bhante, I left with a sense of light and lightness, and an inner peace I had forgotten about. I had never experienced such loving kindness, such compassion, such wisdom, and such acceptance. I have never been the same.

I can honestly say that Bhante helped to save me. Not from the challenges of family and the loss of loved ones, or the ebbs and flows of business. These things are a virtual certainty of life. They are not gone from my life. What is gone is the darkness that had grown inside of me. The loss of my way and my sense of self. I have a new sense of inner peace and clarity, things that have become part of who I am.

Aside from the vast personal benefits I have reaped from working with and befriending Bhante, as the leader of a company, I am shocked at the incredible way my business has been impacted. It’s as though the changes that have taken place within me have become part of the collective company culture. As a company and a team, we know who we are, what our position in the market is, how to take care of each other and our partners, how to deal with conflict and challenge, and how to maintain balance. We are a far superior organization in every way because of these things. And the results speak for themselves.

I will always remember the place I was and the place I am now. And those who helped me through that journey.

Even today, to me, Bhante is like a brother, a father, a teacher, a mentor, a true friend, all wrapped up in a pleasant, funny, joyful bundle of a man. I am forever grateful.

David Schmidt
Guitor Addoption - NC USA

Life has possessed many lessons for me, all of which have combined to create the person I am today. And while I am sure that not all of these lessons have made positive changes in my character, one that certainly has are the teachings on mindfulness that I have learned from Bhante Sujatha.
Even though I had studied the Buddha’s teachings for over ten years prior to meeting Bhante, most of what I learned had not penetrated very deeply. Perceptually and intellectually I understood, but it didn’t seem to inspire a lot of profound change. But then I met Bhante Sujatha and attended my first workshop that he was offering on loving kindness. His words resonated like a bell in my heart and mind, that loving kindness must begin with ourselves. A simple yet critical practice that I had never actually spent time doing.
The continued teachings from Bhante have always focused on loving the self and mindfulness practice. And while mindfulness may be one of the most oversold terms, Bhante teaches it in a fundamental way that has practical application in every facet of my daily life. This has had an enormous impact on my interpersonal relations with my family, friends, and certainly with my business. As President of a small business, mindfulness has a ripple effect that has shown to promote a friendly and compassionate relationship with customers and vendors alike. Being far more powerful than just “do unto others”, mindfulness is what reminds me to be fully present in all situations. And time has proven that this is always the kindest and most compassionate thing for myself, and everyone I encounter.
While I am far from perfect at the practice, it is a rock solid foundation that I can always rely on in daily life. It’s what always brings me back during difficult or stressful moments. And because of the practice, those moments are fortunately much fewer and farther between!