May You Be Well, Happy, and Peaceful

Welcome to Bhante Sujatha’s website – a website dedicated to our teacher and friend Venerable Bhante Sujatha. The purpose of this site is to introduce our teacher and provide information about his work. Here you can read Bhante’s story, keep up to date with his busy schedule, and learn how to get involved with his charitable works. In addition to learning about Bhante, you can access Buddhist teachings, connect with Dhamma friends, and share your stories with people around the world.

Bhante Sujatha is constantly traveling. He often finds himself thinking of events and students all over the world but doesn’t always have an easy way to reach them. A friend suggested he write down some thoughts while having his morning coffee. Bhante asked us if we could create a space for him to share his daily thoughts in a quick and easy way and that is how Morning Coffee Wisdom with Bhante began.

Social Projects

The 24th Annual “Retreat for Pregnant Mother’s”

Today we conducted the 24 annual “Retreat for Pregnant Mother’s” in Sri Lanka. I began this program years ago in honor of my teacher’s birthday, and have been so happy…

Donated to the Pothanegama School an industrial RO water filter

On July 4th, through the sponsorship of Angel Water Inc. located in Barrington, IL, we donated to the Pothanegama School an industrial RO water filter. This is literally a life-saving…

2023 House Donation

On June 9th we offered another newly constructed house as a home for a family in need. This family is a small one of only a mother and her young…

Love in action

I talk about it a lot in meditation classes, Dhamma talks, with my noble friends, and I think anyone who will listen! The reason that I talk about this topic…

Love In Action

Bhante Sujatha is singularly focused on adding more love in the world.  Bhante teaches loving-kindness meditation to people around the globe for all those seeking the art of happiness and contentment.  His approach to meditation is deep and simple, bringing core Buddhist teachings to everyone in a way that is practical and easy to understand.

Where is Bhante ?

Never one to sit still, Bhante Sujatha keeps a schedule that never rests! check out “Where is Bhante”Read More »

Social Projects

What we learn from our meditation practice we have to bring in to our lives, such that life is our practice.Read More »

Travelling with Bhante

Bhante Sujatha has been making trips to his native country with groups of students to learn more about the country & its culture.Read More »

Get Involved

There are lots of ways to help, and rather than ask for donations, we ask you to “get involved.” To learn more about Bhante’s past workRead More »

Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple

Whether you’re interested in learning more about Buddhism, practicing meditation or would like to speak directly to a monk.Read More »

Sanatha Suwaya

Is a meditation and holistic wellness center in Sri Lanka’s Central Province providing a forum for instruction & practice in mindfulness traditions & holistic therapies.Read More »

Bhante Sujatha's Calendar

Never one to sit still, Bhante Sujatha keeps a schedule that never rests! check out the “Where is Bhante”

Shopping with Bhante Sujatha

The purpose of this online store is to connect creative individuals I have met along my journey with all of you who want to support our humanitarian projects across the globe.

All about Bhante Sujatha


Bhante Sujatha is a Theravada Buddhist Monk from Sri Lanka.  His work to share the teachings of the Buddha and the message of healing through loving kindness has taken him across the world.  His story is one of extensive experience, sincere concern for the well being of others, and tireless energy.

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Youtube - Bhante Sujatha

Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple

Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple

Woodstock - Chicago - USA

Whether you’re interested in learning more about Buddhism, practicing meditation or would like to speak directly to a monk.

iTunes - Bhante Sujatha


Sanatha Suwaya

Sanatha Suwaya

Kandy - Sri Lanka

Sanatha Suwaya is a meditation and holistic wellness center in Sri Lanka’s Central Province providing a forum for instruction and practice in mindfulness traditions
and holistic therapies.